Delany Dental Care

Bleeding gums. What does it mean???

Dec 6, 2017 @ 03:30 PM — by Mark J. Amidei D.D.S.
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On going gum bleeding may be due to plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth .

Usually bleeding gums are a reaction to your immune system fighting accumulation of bacterial film on your teeth. In essence your immune system is setting up a rejection process against your teeth. 

Without care this will likely become advanced periodontal disease and your teeth will ultimately be lost.

In our office  

much of our time is spent sharing our knowldge with our gracious patients. We love showing patients when  and  how to care for their teeth. Each appointment builds on the prior. Like a good coach teaching a player how to improve and become their best.

Take a moment and call us for an appointment.

Ask for Carla, Nancy, Stacie,Tori. or Kelly.

They are all willing and happy to help.


All the best 
