Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs
What is cosmetic dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry can be very minor such as closing a small gap or fixing an area of discoloration. More commonly, it reestablishes ideal physiologic conditions and is far more than just beautiful smiles and a sense of well-being. Rejuvenation of facial muscles, posture, and reversal of signs of aging are some of the most amazing results of cosmetic dentistry. This remarkable effect is often called the dental facelift or virtual facelift. A healthy smile should reflect the inner you.
How do I know if cosmetic dentistry is right for me?
Take a look at your smile and your face. If you don’t like what you see (discoloration, crooked or missing teeth, etc.), then we might be able to help. If you don’t look and feel as good as you deserve, then you owe it to yourself to invest in yourself.
How do I pay for my treatment?
Is financing available?
The only thing wrong with my smile is the color of my teeth. What can I do?
We offer several different teeth whitening and brightening treatments. You can choose to have your teeth whitened in our office or in the privacy of your own home using a tooth whitening kit. To determine which option is best suited for your needs, schedule an initial consultation and discuss the results you would like to see with Dr. Shapira or Dr. Amidei.
Do you place amalgam fillings?
We have not placed Amalgam restorations for several years because there are better options for our patients including natural-looking composites, porcelain, ceramic, and finally gold restorations. Gold is an excellent material but is used much less frequently than in the past.
Natural-looking composite and ceramic tooth-colored restorations are quickly replacing the old black-looking silver fillings that are part mercury. Although both kinds of fillings serve the same purpose, natural-looking fillings are more cosmetically appealing and provide increased resistance to fracture.
Can I have my old silver fillings replaced?
Yes, your silver fillings can be replaced even if a replacement is not required. Seeing white when you smile is definitely more appealing than the black looking silver fillings so many people have. Your silver fillings usually last 5 to 8 years and will eventually need to be replaced. If your primary concern is the color and the filling is in good shape, there are other options such as white fillings or porcelain inlays.
Dr. Amidei is an excellent dentist and has also become one of my very close friends. From the moment you walk in the office you feel welcome and the staff takes care of you while you wait for your appointment. I would highly recommend Delany Dental Care to anyone who is looking for a new dentist!
Can porcelain veneers cover up the gaps in my smile?
Definitely. Porcelain and ceramic veneers are specifically designed to cover gaps, chips, permanent stains, misshapen teeth and washed out fillings. The thin porcelain veneers are sometimes referred to as instant orthodontics and will give you the beautiful smile you desire.
What is the difference between a teeth crown and a bridge?
Both crowns and bridges are used in restorative dentistry. They are used to return your teeth to a state of structural integrity and your smile to its desired look and maintain your jaw’s physiologic health and strength. A single tooth crown is used when a tooth is damaged. A bridge is used when more than one tooth is missing. Crowns and bridges both add stability to the surrounding teeth, and give your smile a more beautiful look.
The team at our dental office in Gurnee, IL, is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding cosmetic dentistry. For more information or to request an appointment, contact us today.